How long does it take to design beauty packaging?

When you have a product formulated and ready to sell, the last thing you want to do is spend ages going through the packaging design process.

But, designing great packaging does take time so don’t expect the process to take a few weeks.

Here’s our approach to packaging design, and how long it will take at APackaging Group.

Designing packaging from scratch

When you decide that your brand wants to go down the custom packaging route, we suggest that the average product lead time from concept to the customer is between 6 and 12 months.

This may seem like a long time, but this includes the time it takes to come up with a design, order the materials, manufacture the product, and test samples.

It’s good if brands already have an idea of the kind of packaging they’re going for when they first talk to us, that way we can get started straight away with drawing up your plans.

It’s also a good idea to have a few different packaging options, then we can manufacture samples for the different designs, and you can test out which ones you like the best. This will also minimise the time it takes going back and forth with new iterations of one design.

If you agree on a design and are happy with your first sample, the process will be a lot shorter. APG can then deliver your new packaging to you in around 90 days.

The alternative to custom packaging

Not everyone has 6-12 months to go through the packaging design process, and luckily for those people, there is an easier way to do it.

If you’re not too bothered about designing totally unique packaging solutions, you can go down the stock packaging route.

This is where you buy packaging that has already been designed, and you can just stick your label on.

At APG, we have a whole range of stock packaging for you to purchase. Ranging from sustainable packaging and jar solutions to collapsible tubes and cosmetics compacts.

Depending on the size of your order, we can easily get your packaging to you in 90 days. Then all you need to do is put on your labels and fill them with your formula and you’re good to get your products on shelves.

Although you don’t get the same customisable freedom with stock packaging – they’ve already been produced so you can’t make any changes – it is a great option for brands that are short on time.

If you want to talk to us about producing packaging for your beauty product, get in touch today!

Beauty productsCosmetics packagingMakeup packagingPackagingPackaging design