5 trends shaping the future of cosmetic packaging

As the first thing your customer will see, the packaging you choose is just as important as the product itself. One way to ensure your packaging lives up to consumer expectations is by capitalizing on cosmetic packaging trends.

 By hopping on the band wagon, brands can make use of tried and tested packaging options that have a track record of impressing consumers. To help push you in the right direction, we’ve put together a list of 5 trends that are shaping the future of cosmetic packaging.

  • Eco-friendly packaging: Consumers are becoming increasingly conscious of plastic waste. Therefore, many are opting for products that are packaged using recycled or recyclable plastic. Alternatively, they’re reaching out for products that are housed in sustainable packaging options, made from materials such as bamboo or sugarcane.
  • An elevate “unboxing” experience: The popularity of unboxing videos on social media has led to an increased emphasis on the unboxing experiencing for consumers. By offering their products in beautiful packaging, brands provide consumers with a luxury experience. Think silky ribbons, colorful tissue paper, and foil-stamped sturdy cardboard boxes that can be used by the consumer to store jewelry. This is particularly pertinent now that more and more individuals choose to conduct their shopping online, meaning they miss out on the luxuries associated with in-store shopping, such as trying out samples.
  • Minimalism: The trend of minimalism has been around for a while now, and it’s not looking like it’s going to go anywhere anytime soon. Minimalist packaging conveys confidence, suggesting that the product inside is high-quality, therefore making over-the-top packaging unnecessary. It also places the emphasis on the product, rather than the packaging itself. To embrace this trend, consider using neutral colors and a bold, but simple, sans serif font.
  • Accessibility: Cosmetic products should be tailored to be inclusive as possible, by making them accessible to marginalized groups. An example of this could be including braille on your packaging, and ensuring the designs are readable. Not only is accessible packaging more inclusive, but it opens up your product to an entirely new group of consumers.
Accessible packagingPackaging trendsRefillable packagingSustainable packaging