Packaging waste is a significant environmental problem that affects the sustainability of the planet. Packaging accounts for around 36% of the total plastic production, and a staggering 85% of it ends up in landfills.
The packaging utilized in the supply chain has become a growing concern due to its significant contribution to waste production, greenhouse gas emissions, and consumption of fossil fuels. These factors all have a considerable impact on the environment and contribute to the planet's ongoing environmental challenges.
Reducing packaging waste in your supply chain is crucial in reducing the environmental impact of your business operations. In this article, we will discuss practical steps that businesses can take to achieve this:
• Conduct a packaging audit: Conducing a packaging audit involves assessing the types and amount of packaging materials used in your operations. An audit will help you identify areas where you can reduce the use of packaging materials, eliminate unnecessary packaging, and optimize the packaging design.
• Optimize packaging design: To reduce waste in your supply chain and lessen your company’s environmental impact, it’s important to optimize your packaging design. Consider using sustainable packaging materials such as biodegradable, compostable, or recycled materials.
Additionally, reducing the size of packaging, using lighter materials, and eliminating unnecessary layers of packaging can help minimize waste. You could also consider using returnable or reusable packaging solutions.
• Work with suppliers: Businesses can collaborate with suppliers to develop sustainable packaging solutions that meet the needs of both parties. This can include using less packaging or using eco-friendly materials. In addition, companies can collaborate with suppliers to enhance packaging efficiency, leading to a reduction in the amount of packaging materials needed.
• Implement green logistics: Green logistics is a practice aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of logistics activities. It involves strategies such as fuel consumption reduction, route optimization, and emissions reduction.
Adopting green logistics practices can contribute to the reduction of packaging waste in the supply chain. One example is optimizing transportation routes, which can decrease the distance traveled by products, resulting in less demand for packaging materials.
• Educate customers: Companies can work with customers to promote the reduction of packaging waste by providing information on responsible packaging disposal, encouraging packaging reuse, and promoting the use of eco-friendly packaging, we can all do our part. They can also use labeling to share their sustainability efforts and encourage customers to support their initiatives.
How to reduce packaging waste in your supply chain