The Importance of Packaging as a Marketing Tool

Successful companies know there are 4 “P’s” in a product marketing strategy. They are Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. We like to think that there is another “P” that is equally as important – Packaging. When it comes to marketing a particular product, packaging is paramount. The allure of a good and attractive packaging plays an important role in the sale of the product. Here’s why.

The Basics

First impressions are the driving force behind the perception of a particular product and are the basic premise that prioritizes packaging as a marketing tool. The external look or appearance of a product is what the potential buyer sees initially. In fact, a product’s packaging serves 4 functions or purposes:

  • makes the handling process more convenient consumers and retailers
  • prevents product tampering by securing the product from alterations as well as foreign elements
  • protects the contents or product
  • relays important product information and directions for using it

It’s also important to remember that attention-grabbing packaging can increase the product’s perceived value in the consumer’s eyes. Attractive and quality packaging can enhance the value of the product.

As a Marketing Tool

The most effective product packaging attracts the consumer’s attention and triggers their urge to purchase it. As a marketing tool, a product’s packaging will only be as effective as the elements it incorporates. Here are 4 elements that will make your packaging more effective:

  • It must be designed for your target audience
  • It must capture the consumer’s attention
  • It must draw attention to your brand and product names
  • It must point out the product’s benefits

Additionally, there are certain environmental considerations to be concerned with where a product’s packaging is concerned. For instance, there are specific environmental factors that must be prioritized when a company is designing their packaging. This is one way to avoid pollution and ensure environmental awareness. Do the following:

Avoid using excess packaging material whenever possible (if there’s no requirement for it, don’t use it).
Ensure that all packaging materials are recyclable and/or reusable.
Make sure the packaging can be disposed of easily and provide instructions for proper disposal of it.

Keep in mind that a product’s packaging makes branded products more recognizable. So, be sure your logo is front and center on the label. It helps consumers remember a product the next time they’re out shopping. Stop and think about what your packaging says about the product inside as well as your brand name. Is it sufficient the way it is or does it need some improvement? To learn more about packaging options and how it should be one of the components of your marketing strategy, contact APG today.