4 advances in packaging trends (injection molding/3D printing)

4 advances in packaging trends (injection molding/3D printing)

3D printing

Packaging has come a long way over the years. Historians believe that the use of packaging most likely began when people became increasingly nomadic and, therefore, needed ways to protect goods during transport. In those days, materials such as animal skins and leaves were used.

Exploring new technologies and innovations for personal care product packaging

Exploring new technologies and innovations for personal care product packaging

Infinity Pump Series
A call for sustainable solutions: Nowadays, the average consumer is more concerned with the environment than ever before. This means that there’s an increased demand for sustainable packaging. From bamboo and sugarcane to glass, brands can now choose from a wide range of biodegradable, recyclable, or reusable packaging solutions. By opting for a more eco-friendly alternative to single-use plastic, companies can enhance their green credentials and improve their brand image.