Are airless pump jars good?

Airless pump jars are a practical and efficient solution for packaging beauty products. Designed to limit air and oxygen exposure, these containers help maintain the integrity of sensitive formulations. By preventing direct contact with fingers or external contaminants, airless pump jars offer a more hygienic option for cosmetics and skincare.

Airless pump jars are favored for their unique features, including:

  • Reduced waste by dispensing nearly all of the product.

  • Maintaining product hygiene by preventing external contact.

  • Consistent dispensing through a pump mechanism that pushes the formula upward.

  • Protection from air and oxygen exposure.

  • Sturdy and functional design, ideal for travel or everyday use.

How do airless pump jars work?

These jars use a vacuum-based design that eliminates the need for a dip tube. As the pump is pressed, the product is gradually pushed upward, minimizing residual waste. This mechanism also prevents air from entering the jar, preserving the product's quality and shelf life.

Benefits for beauty products

Airless pump jars are particularly useful for formulations prone to degradation, such as anti-aging creams and serums. Their sleek, customizable surface enhances the overall presentation, making them suitable for both established and emerging brand identities. The containers are versatile enough for various products while maintaining their primary goal of reducing exposure to contaminants.

Low minimum order quantity and high capacity

In addition to their benefits, airless pump jars cater to the production needs of businesses of all sizes. Manufacturers like APG offer a minimum order quantity (MOQ) of just 10,000 pieces and an annual production capacity exceeding 600 million pieces, providing flexibility and scalability for any cosmetic manufacturing project.

Why choose airless pump jars?

Airless pump jars are a well-rounded solution for preserving and dispensing beauty products. Their ability to prevent contamination, reduce waste, and protect formulations from air and oxygen makes them an essential part of modern cosmetics packaging.

If you’re considering airless pump jars for your products, APG provides reliable packaging solutions tailored to your needs. Contact us today to learn more about our customizable options and professional services.

Airless pump jarsAirless pump technology