Studies show that consumers really do care about sustainable packaging

The United States is one of the leading contributors to plastic waste globally, with the packaging being a particularly wasteful industry.

As packaging manufacturers, we’ve always tried to do our bit to reduce the amount of plastic and single-use materials that we use, which often end up in landfills.

Other than sustainable packaging solutions being much better for the environment, there’s another important reason why more manufacturers should invest time and resources into sustainable alternatives – it’s what your customers want.

An annual consumer research study from The Plant-Based Products Council (PBPC)

The PBPC recently revealed the results of their annual consumer research study, where they ask consumers a variety of questions related to plant-based and sustainable products.

Unsurprisingly the outcome of this study has clearly shown that many consumers are much more interested in sustainability than ever before, and the numbers will continue to rise each year.

In fact, customers are now far more likely to buy products from brands that are vocal about sustainability and show real efforts to make their company more eco-friendly.

Key findings

Some of the key outcomes of the survey include:

  • 61% of customers would be more interested in a company that uses plant-based and sustainable ingredients in its products and packaging
  • 65% of customers often will think about whether a product is sustainable and plant-based before making a purchase
  • 57% of customers claim to use plant-based products at least once a week

How can brands make their packaging more sustainable?

With such a large number of consumers demanding sustainable products, it’s clear that companies need to step up.

Companies are now responding to this demand with new, innovative materials and packaging designs. These serve as a solution to many of the environmental challenges that the world is facing right now.

If you want to take the step yourself and make your brand more eco-friendly, there’s never been a better time to do so. Sustainable packaging options are now more common than ever, with plenty of biodegradable, plant-based and plastic-free solutions to choose from.

At APackaging Group, we have a whole range of sustainable packaging ideas to choose from, or we can work together to create custom packaging for your brand.

If you want to talk about sustainable packaging, get in touch with us today!

Eco-friendly packagingPackagingSustainabilitySustainable packaging